
Knowledgeable, responsive specialists,
focused on the nonprofit sector.


President and Founder

Charlie Quatt is President and Founder of Quatt Associates, Inc. Charlie specializes in compensation, employee opinion surveys, organizational development, performance management systems and strategic planning. His clients included Fortune 500 companies as well as a number of not-for-profit and government organizations.

In addition to his consulting practice, Charlie has conducted seminars and instructed at American University, Georgetown University, Marymount University, the University of Maryland, and Virginia Tech Business School.

Before establishing Quatt Associates, Charlie served for almost ten years as a Director of Management Consulting and Practice Leader for the Hay Group, an international management consulting firm.

Charlie also worked as a Human Resources Manager for General Electric Company and for Mobil Corporation. At both General Electric Company and Mobil Corporation, Mr. Quatt’s responsibilities included organizational development, compensation, performance management, survey research, and employee relations.

Prior to his corporate engagements, Charlie served as a Faculty Member for six years at Harvard and Princeton Universities. He has a Ph.D. from Harvard University and was a Lehman Scholar at Harvard. He co-authored a book with Brian Vogel of Quatt Associates on executive compensation in not-for-profit organizations. The third edition of Nonprofit Executive Compensation: Planning, Performance and Pay was published in October of 2014 by BoardSource.

Groups Reassess Staff Compensation as Salary Demands Soar

Charlie Quatt comments on key drivers for higher salary increase plans and the importance of a transparent and market-driven compensation system.
CEO Update
March 18, 2022

Compensation Discussion With NYC Cultural Institutions

Veronika Bordas and Charlie Quatt presented to the New York Cultural Institution Human Resources Group on compensation trends in their sector based on results from the recently-released Museum & Cultural Institution Compensation Survey.
NYC-IHRG Meeting
February 2022

CEO Pay Falling at Many Associations

Charlie Quatt discusses compensation trends in light of coronavirus based on recent Quatt Associates Survey of nonprofit.
CEO Update
May 22, 2020

Measuring and Rewarding Performance (Video)

Charlie Quatt discusses measuring and rewarding performance with CEO Update’s Association NewsBite.
Association Newsbite (Video)
February 27, 2020

Compensation Discussion with Higher Education Associations

Charlie Quatt and Veronika Bordas presented to the Washington Higher Education Secretariat’s higher education association membership on compensation and benefits trends from the recently-released WHES Compensation Survey conducted by Quatt.
Monthly WHES Meeting
May 7, 2019

Performance and CEO Compensation (Video)

Charlie Quatt describes three ways associations tie CEO pay to performance with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018

What’s driving increases in association executive salaries? (Video)

In the first episode of CEO Update’s new Association NewsBite video series, search consultant Julian Ha and compensation expert Charlie Quatt explain the forces behind strong executive compensation growth at many groups.
Association NewsBite (Video 1:31)
January 16, 2018

Compensation Discussion with NYC Cultural Institutions

Charlie Quatt, Brian Vogel, and Veronika Bordas presented to the New York Cultural Institution Human Resources Group on compensation trends in their sector based on results from the recently-released Museum & Cultural Institution Compensation Survey.
NYC-IHRG Meeting
January 2018

Seven-figure pay in nonprofit groups gets a new tax

Charlie Quatt comments on the effects of the excise tax on nonprofit executive compensation.
CEO Update
December 21, 2017

CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum

Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss pay growth for association executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: Strong pay growth expected to continue
November 2, 2017

Current Executive Salary and Compensation Trends (Video)

Charlie Quatt shares his expertise with Association Newsmakers
Association Newsmakers (Video 5:29)
April 1, 2016

Rising bonus targets driving large increase in CEO pay

Charlie Quatt discusses increase in at-risk compensation for association CEOs.
CEO Update
April 1, 2016

Allies are key when dealing with compensation panel

Charlie Quatt offers opinions on CEOs’ relationships with their compensation committee.
CEO Update
March 6, 2015

Contracts becoming more common but boards scrutinize compensation

Charlie Quatt discusses the trend of executive contracts and Boards of directors’ reactions to increasing benefits levels.
CEO Update
June 13, 2014

More than pay: CEO Contracts (Video)

Charlie Quatt participates in panel that advises CEOs to consider risks, establish commitment to organization, get severance and make a financial plan when negotiating contracts.
CEO Update Live (Video 4:55)
June 5, 2014