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Charlie Quatt, James Wynn, and Veronika Bordas present annually to the Washington Higher Education Secretariat’s higher education association membership on compensation and benefits trends from the recently-released WHES Compensation Survey conducted by Quatt.
Monthly WHES Meeting
May 3, 2022
Charlie Quatt comments on key drivers for higher salary increase plans and the importance of a transparent and market-driven compensation system.
CEO Update
March 18, 2022
Simon Quint presented on compensation trends at the NAM CMA 2022 Winter Leadership Conference.
January 2022
Charlie Quatt discusses compensation trends in light of coronavirus based on recent Quatt Associates survey of nonprofits.
CEO Update
May 22, 2020
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss measuring and rewarding performance with CEO Update Association NewsBite.
CEO Update: Measuring (and Rewarding) Performance
February 27, 2020
Simon Quint and Veronika Bordas presented on compensation trends from the recently-released Quatt Professional Association Compensation Survey to a group of professional associations.
May 17, 2019
James Wynn co-led a session titled “Challenging Issues in Executive Compensation” at the 39th Annual Representing and Managing Tax-Exempt Organizations conference hosted by Georgetown Law.
2022 Georgetown Law Conference Program
April 28, 2022
James Wynn and Veronika Bordas presented to the members of HRPANO, an association of human resources professionals in New York City, on compensation and benefits trends from the recently-released member compensation and benefits survey conducted by Quatt.
Monthly HRPANO Meeting
April 18, 2019
CEO Update features a conversation with Charlie Quatt on his career leading up to founding Quatt Associates, and how his diverse experiences come together to inform his approach to working with organizations on compensation and performance.
CEO Update
April 12, 2019
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss the factors driving increases in incentive pay for association chief executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: Why incentives are increasing as part of compensation
November 30, 2018
Charlie Quatt describes three ways associations tie CEO pay to performance with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018
Charlie Quatt joins panelists to discuss aligning an organizations’ incentive plans with their missions, with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018
Charlie Quatt joins panelists to discuss the newest incentive plan designs used by associations and tech companies to attract and retain talent with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss increases in incentive pay for association chief executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: At-risk pay rising for association chief executives
November 13, 2018
Judith Stein and Veronika Bordas share trends from a recent compensation survey Quatt conducted and discuss topics in CDFI staff retention.
NeighborWorks Executive Symposium Session
March 14, 2018
Charlie Quatt, Brian Vogel, and Veronika Bordas presented to the New York Cultural Institution Human Resources Group on compensation trends in their sector based on results from the recently-released Museum & Cultural Institution Compensation Survey.
NYC-IHRG Meeting
January 2018
In the first episode of CEO Update’s new Association NewsBite video series, search consultant Julian Ha and compensation expert Charlie Quatt explain the forces behind strong executive compensation growth at many groups.
Association NewsBite (Video 1:31)
January 16, 2018
Charlie Quatt comments on the effects of the excise tax on nonprofit executive compensation.
CEO Update
December 21, 2017
Simon Quint participates in CEO Summit’s panel – Know Your Worth as an Association Executive.
CEO Summit Panel of Experts
December 8, 2017
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss pay growth for association executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: Strong pay growth expected to continue
November 2, 2017
Simon Quint joins expert-led webinar to review key legal and tax implications surrounding compensation and the latest trends in executive compensation.
Nonprofit Finance Center
October 26, 2017
Quatt Principals James Wynn and Simon Quint present on compensation trends and best practices for non-profits at Coalition of Human Resource Management Associations Conference.
October 6, 2017
James Wynn discusses latest salary survey results, indicating robust salary increase for CEOs.
CEO Update
April 14, 2017
Simon Quint, along with other leading compensation experts and nonprofit attorneys, discusses findings from the brand 2016 Association CEO Compensation Survey.
Association Trends Continuing Education Event
October 21, 2016
James Wynn gives presentation on trends in executive compensation and legal developments for non-qualified deferred compensation at DC Law: Association Law Symposium.
October 17, 2016
Simon Quint joins expert panelist discussing strong compensation growth driven by factors like benchmarking, staff raises and desire to retain top talent.
October 6, 2016
Charlie Quatt shares his expertise with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video 5:29)
April 1, 2016
Charlie Quatt discusses increase in at-risk compensation for association CEOs.
CEO Update
April 1, 2016
James Wynn joins CEO Update and leading experts in compensation, recruiting and employment contracts to discuss the latest salary trends in associations and nonprofits found in CEO Update’s new 2015-16 Salary Guide.
November 18, 2015
Simon Quint discusses the results of 2015 Association TRENDS Nonprofit Salary Survey at TRENDS Finance LIVE Breakfast.
October 9, 2015
Eileen Johnson and Simon Quint, Principal at Quatt Associates, will speak about Nonprofit Executive Compensation, Salary and Benefits Benchmarking and Best Practices.
July 14, 2015
Brian Vogel contributes to a panel discussion of CEO contracts and benefits.
CEO Update Live
June 25, 2015
Simon Quint discusses the pay range between CEOs and next highest-paid employee at trade groups.
CEO Update
Charlie Quatt offers opinions on CEOs’ relationships with their compensation committee.
CEO Update
March 6, 2015
James Wynn participates in a presentation on executive compensation, related party transactions, and Intermediate Sanctions to help organizations analyze the issues organizations face in reviewing, deciding and documenting executive compensation and related party transactions.
February 2015
Simon Quint, Principal at Quatt Associates, leads HRLF Non-Profit Consortium Group in a discussion about solutions that work, and that staff experience as fair.
January 15, 2015
Brian Vogel discusses role deferred compensation in CEO compensation plans.
CEO Update
December 1, 2014
Brian Vogel joins a panel of experts at CEO Update event to discuss trends of growing variable pay in line with private sector.
CEO Update Live (Video 6:33)
November 18, 2014
Brian Vogel and Charles Quatt provide a comprehensive guide for determining CEO compensation. Published by BoardSource, the book is in its third edition.
See more
October 1, 2014
Charlie Quatt discusses the trend of executive contracts and Boards of directors’ reactions to increasing benefits levels.
CEO Update
June 13, 2014
Charlie Quatt participates in panel that advises CEOs to consider risks, establish commitment to organization, get severance and make a financial plan when negotiating contracts.
CEO Update Live (Video 4:55)
June 5, 2014
James Wynn speaks at ARL Spring Membership Meeting on Organizing for New Work.
May 6, 2014
Brian Vogel comments on pay practices for large trade associations.
CEO Update
April 4, 2014
Brian Vogel emphasizes importance of good relationships with board members when negotiating compensation.
CEO Update
December 6, 2013
Brian Vogel joins “Executive Compensation in Associations and Nonprofits” panel at the CEO Update Live forum to discuss CEO turnover and severance packages.
CEO Update
December 3, 2013
Charles Quatt and Brian Vogel discuss increasing CEO salaries in midsize associations.
CEO Update
August 23, 2013
Brian Vogel discusses what makes a title meaningful in an organization and the challenge of title-inflation.
CEO Update
May 31, 2013
Judith Stein discusses attracting and retaining the best people available in a competitive marketplace requires a compensation system that makes sense. (Article no longer available.)
Senniger Powers Midyear Meeting
February 11, 2009
Charlie Quatt comments on the role of U.S News’ rankings in incentive compensation for college presidents.
Inside Higher Ed
March 19, 2007 cites Charlie Quatt and Judy Stein’s work with several nonprofits on implementing performance-based compensation systems.
Read the book
March 12, 2002
Charlie Quatt comments on key drivers for higher salary increase plans and the importance of a transparent and market-driven compensation system.
CEO Update
March 18, 2022
CEO Update features a conversation with Charlie Quatt on his career leading up to founding Quatt Associates, and how his diverse experiences come together to inform his approach to working with organizations on compensation and performance.
CEO Update
April 12, 2019
In the first episode of CEO Update’s new Association NewsBite video series, search consultant Julian Ha and compensation expert Charlie Quatt explain the forces behind strong executive compensation growth at many groups.
Association NewsBite (Video 1:31)
January 16, 2018
Charlie Quatt comments on the effects of the excise tax on nonprofit executive compensation.
CEO Update
December 21, 2017
James Wynn discusses latest salary survey results, indicating robust salary increase for CEOs.
CEO Update
April 14, 2017
Charlie Quatt discusses increase in at-risk compensation for association CEOs.
CEO Update
April 1, 2016
Simon Quint discusses the pay range between CEOs and next highest-paid employee at trade groups.
CEO Update
Charlie Quatt offers opinions on CEOs’ relationships with their compensation committee.
CEO Update
March 6, 2015
Brian Vogel discusses role deferred compensation in CEO compensation plans.
CEO Update
December 1, 2014
Charlie Quatt discusses the trend of executive contracts and Boards of directors’ reactions to increasing benefits levels.
CEO Update
June 13, 2014
Brian Vogel comments on pay practices for large trade associations.
CEO Update
April 4, 2014
Brian Vogel emphasizes importance of good relationships with board members when negotiating compensation.
CEO Update
December 6, 2013
Charles Quatt and Brian Vogel discuss increasing CEO salaries in midsize associations.
CEO Update
August 23, 2013
Brian Vogel discusses what makes a title meaningful in an organization and the challenge of title-inflation.
CEO Update
May 31, 2013
Charlie Quatt comments on the role of U.S News’ rankings in incentive compensation for college presidents.
Inside Higher Ed
March 19, 2007
Charlie Quatt discusses compensation trends in light of coronavirus based on recent Quatt Associates survey of nonprofits.
CEO Update
May 22, 2020
Charlie Quatt describes three ways associations tie CEO pay to performance with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018
Charlie Quatt joins panelists to discuss aligning an organizations’ incentive plans with their missions, with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018
Charlie Quatt joins panelists to discuss the newest incentive plan designs used by associations and tech companies to attract and retain talent with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video)
November 13, 2018
Charlie Quatt shares his expertise with Association Newsmakers.
Association Newsmakers (Video 5:29)
April 1, 2016
Charlie Quatt, James Wynn, and Veronika Bordas present annually to the Washington Higher Education Secretariat’s higher education association membership on compensation and benefits trends from the recently-released WHES Compensation Survey conducted by Quatt.
Monthly WHES Meeting
May 3, 2022
Simon Quint presented on compensation trends at the NAM CMA 2022 Winter Leadership Conference.
January 2022
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss measuring and rewarding performance with CEO Update Association NewsBite.
CEO Update: Measuring (and Rewarding) Performance
February 27, 2020
Simon Quint and Veronika Bordas presented on compensation trends from the recently-released Quatt Professional Association Compensation Survey to a group of professional associations.
May 17, 2019
James Wynn co-led a session titled “Challenging Issues in Executive Compensation” at the 39th Annual Representing and Managing Tax-Exempt Organizations conference hosted by Georgetown Law.
2022 Georgetown Law Conference Program
April 28, 2022
James Wynn and Veronika Bordas presented to the members of HRPANO, an association of human resources professionals in New York City, on compensation and benefits trends from the recently-released member compensation and benefits survey conducted by Quatt.
Monthly HRPANO Meeting
April 18, 2019
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss the factors driving increases in incentive pay for association chief executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: Why incentives are increasing as part of compensation
November 30, 2018
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss increases in incentive pay for association chief executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: At-risk pay rising for association chief executives
November 13, 2018
Judith Stein and Veronika Bordas share trends from a recent compensation survey Quatt conducted and discuss topics in CDFI staff retention.
NeighborWorks Executive Symposium Session
March 14, 2018
Charlie Quatt, Brian Vogel, and Veronika Bordas presented to the New York Cultural Institution Human Resources Group on compensation trends in their sector based on results from the recently-released Museum & Cultural Institution Compensation Survey.
NYC-IHRG Meeting
January 2018
Simon Quint participates in CEO Summit’s panel – Know Your Worth as an Association Executive.
CEO Summit Panel of Experts
December 8, 2017
Charlie Quatt joins panel of experts to discuss pay growth for association executives at the CEO Update Executive Compensation Forum.
CEO Update Live: Strong pay growth expected to continue
November 2, 2017
Simon Quint joins expert-led webinar to review key legal and tax implications surrounding compensation and the latest trends in executive compensation.
Nonprofit Finance Center
October 26, 2017
Quatt Principals James Wynn and Simon Quint present on compensation trends and best practices for non-profits at Coalition of Human Resource Management Associations Conference.
October 6, 2017
Simon Quint, along with other leading compensation experts and nonprofit attorneys, discusses findings from the brand 2016 Association CEO Compensation Survey.
Association Trends Continuing Education Event
October 21, 2016
James Wynn gives presentation on trends in executive compensation and legal developments for non-qualified deferred compensation at DC Law: Association Law Symposium.
October 17, 2016
Simon Quint joins expert panelist discussing strong compensation growth driven by factors like benchmarking, staff raises and desire to retain top talent.
October 6, 2016
James Wynn joins CEO Update and leading experts in compensation, recruiting and employment contracts to discuss the latest salary trends in associations and nonprofits found in CEO Update’s new 2015-16 Salary Guide.
November 18, 2015
Simon Quint discusses the results of 2015 Association TRENDS Nonprofit Salary Survey at TRENDS Finance LIVE Breakfast.
October 9, 2015
Eileen Johnson and Simon Quint, Principal at Quatt Associates, will speak about Nonprofit Executive Compensation, Salary and Benefits Benchmarking and Best Practices.
July 14, 2015
Brian Vogel contributes to a panel discussion of CEO contracts and benefits.
CEO Update Live
June 25, 2015
James Wynn participates in a presentation on executive compensation, related party transactions, and Intermediate Sanctions to help organizations analyze the issues organizations face in reviewing, deciding and documenting executive compensation and related party transactions.
February 2015
Simon Quint, Principal at Quatt Associates, leads HRLF Non-Profit Consortium Group in a discussion about solutions that work, and that staff experience as fair.
January 15, 2015
Brian Vogel joins a panel of experts at CEO Update event to discuss trends of growing variable pay in line with private sector.
CEO Update Live (Video 6:33)
November 18, 2014
Charlie Quatt participates in panel that advises CEOs to consider risks, establish commitment to organization, get severance and make a financial plan when negotiating contracts.
CEO Update Live (Video 4:55)
June 5, 2014
James Wynn speaks at ARL Spring Membership Meeting on Organizing for New Work.
May 6, 2014
Brian Vogel joins “Executive Compensation in Associations and Nonprofits” panel at the CEO Update Live forum to discuss CEO turnover and severance packages.
CEO Update
December 3, 2013
Judith Stein discusses attracting and retaining the best people available in a competitive marketplace requires a compensation system that makes sense. (Article no longer available.)
Senniger Powers Midyear Meeting
February 11, 2009
Brian Vogel and Charles Quatt provide a comprehensive guide for determining CEO compensation. Published by BoardSource, the book is in its third edition.
See more
October 1, 2014 cites Charlie Quatt and Judy Stein’s work with several nonprofits on implementing performance-based compensation systems.
Read the book
March 12, 2002